Today I Learned
PhpConference 2019
- focus on the business problem, the domain
- composer should be used only you need dependencies for runtime, not for develop time
- in phpunit
uses the meaningful name of the test as a indicator
- self-defence technique:
for classes, private
for properties
- when dealing with returning integers, we should return a value object that tells
us what that integer represents. For example, when returning the price of a
good, we should have a Pound class that contains the price. The reason for that
is the fact that we want to be sure that we interact with the correct data type.
When summing two integers, the program doesn’t know if the two integers refer to
the same datatype so the only way to be sure that this two integers represent
the same datatype (price + price != price + distance) is using value objects.
- collaborators vs. dependecies: collaborators are, generally, object values that
do not need mocks in unit tests because they just incapsulate values and don’t
have too much logic that needs to be tested.
Practical Security for Web Applications
Tools for scanning PHP project:
- progpilot
- phpcs-security-audit
- OWASP WAP_Web_Application_Protection
- roave/security-advisoriesw methods
- (penetration testing)
- MetaSploit
- use prepared statements with named parameter binding
- in active record be aware of raw syntax
Use TLS for everything (free tls
- jsencrypt -> encrypt the password on client with the public key, send it encrypted
with TLS (2nd layer), decrypted on server with the private key
Event log:
- separate db with separate credentials
- user id, IP address, timestamp, operation (beware of GDPR)
Do not expose data stores to internet
Only web server should be able to connect to DB
Architecture Hands-On
- try the most not to assume anything
- test only the business logic
Static code analysis in PHP
- logical errors (needs tests)
- compile time error (needs linter) php-parallel-lint
- runtime errors
- check
generic syntax
- check
but enable it only in development
- doctrine/coding-standard for php-cs-fixer
- use
value objects
for important integers and enums
for the state
- PHPStorm + PhpInspections
- psalm, phan, phpstan (has plugins for frameworks)
- start at level 0 (phpstan)
- php-cs-fixer: can reorder the methods in a class
- can replace instances where spaceship operator can be used
to configurate
- psalm: check type coverage
- phpcpd
- dePHPend
- infection.phar
- object-graph
- (profiling) php-xhprof-extension, toolkit, phpunit-tideway-listener
An Introduction to Architecture Katas
- software architecture are those decisions that are hard to change
- weeks of coding can save you hours of planing
PHP to Hack at Slack
- focus on the return type first because it impacts lot of code
- focus on argument types later because it impacts only the function scope
PHPUnit Best Practices
- use a supported version of PHPUnit (PHPUnit 7 and 8)
- use version constraints in composer “^8.0” (not “*”, “>=8”, etc)
- do not install PHPUnit globally
- async I/O operations
- the event loop is the core component
- stream => an abstraction for something too huge to store in the memory (e.g. files)
- sockets => streams but over the network
- promises => placeholder for a single future result
- event source => Content-Type: text/event-stream
the connection remains open. It’s like websockets but with plain text
Let’s go frameworkless to focus on the domain again
- framework = dependency
- how to avoid dependencies: domain driven design
- adapt the framework to the domain not the other way around
- use the framework as it was just a library
- slides: