Today I Learned



Disable capslock

Short version (tested in ubuntu):

setxkbmap -option caps:none

Try creating the file 10-nocaps.conf with the following content:

Section "InputClass"
        Identifier             "keyboard-layout"
        MatchIsKeyboard        "on"
        Option "XkbOptions"    "ctrl:nocaps"

…and place it in either /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d or /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d (depending on which folder your distro uses) and log out and back in again to test.

Creating a bootable USB using dd

Warning: This will irrevocably destroy all data on /dev/sdx. To restore the USB drive as an empty, usable storage device after using the Arch ISO image, the ISO 9660 filesystem signature needs to be removed by running wipefs --all /dev/sdx as root, before repartitioning and reformating the USB drive.

Tip: Find out the name of your USB drive with lsblk or lsusb and # fdisk -l to see the partition of the USB. Make sure that it is not mounted.

Run the following command, replacing /dev/sdx with your drive, e.g. /dev/sdb. (Do not append a partition number, so do not use something like /dev/sdb1)

# dd bs=4M if=path/to/archlinux.iso of=/dev/sdx status=progress oflag=sync

Tip: If the UEFI version of the USB’s Arch ISO hangs or is unable to load, try repeating the dd medium creation process on the same USB drive one or more times.


Add suffix to filename

e.g to change the name of a file from to old.name_backup:


Check the status of all services

$ sudo service --status-all


Watch/capture webcam feed

$ ffplay /dev/video0

$ mpv /dev/video0


$ mpv av://v4l2:/dev/video0

$ vlc v4l2:///dev/video0


How to install pass extensions

This guide refers to extensions for git clone

cd browserpass-native

docker build -t browserpass-native .

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/src browserpass-native browserpass-linux64

make BIN=browserpass-linux64 configure

sudo make BIN=browserpass-linux64 install

cp /usr/lib/browserpass/hosts/chromium/com.github.browserpass.native.json ~/.config/slimjet/NativeMessagingHosts/


Edit a long command that you previously run

After you run the wrong command (or the one you wan to change) run fc. It will open a vim buffer and paste the last command you run.

Edit it and when you close vim, it will run the command.

Or, use zsh with vim navigation :)


Hide tabs in firefox

  1. Add a userChrome.css file
    • Open your currently active profile folder
    • Create a new folder named chrome
    • Create a new text file inside the chrome folder named userChrome.css
    • Set Firefox to look for userChrome.css at startup source
  2. Add css rules to hide the bar:
    #main-window[tabsintitlebar="true"]:not([extradragspace="true"]) #TabsToolbar > .toolbar-items {
      opacity: 0;
      pointer-events: none;
    #main-window:not([tabsintitlebar="true"]) #TabsToolbar {
     visibility: collapse !important;
    #main-window[tabsintitlebar="true"]:not([extradragspace="true"]) #TabsToolbar .titlebar-spacer {
         border-inline-end: none;


Copying gpg keys between machines

On the source machine: gpg --export ID > public.key gpg --export-secret-key ID > public.key On the destination machine: gpg --import public.key gpg --import private.key


Set 10 workspaces in popos

gsettings set org.gnome.mutter dynamic-workspaces false
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences num-workspaces 10
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-1 "['<Super>1']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-workspace-1 "['<Super><Shift>1']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-2 "['<Super>2']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-workspace-2 "['<Super><Shift>2']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-3 "['<Super>3']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-workspace-3 "['<Super><Shift>3']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-4 "['<Super>4']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-workspace-4 "['<Super><Shift>4']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-5 "['<Super>5']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-workspace-5 "['<Super><Shift>5']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-6 "['<Super>6']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-workspace-6 "['<Super><Shift>6']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-7 "['<Super>7']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-workspace-7 "['<Super><Shift>7']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-8 "['<Super>8']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-workspace-8 "['<Super><Shift>8']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-9 "['<Super>9']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-workspace-9 "['<Super><Shift>9']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-10 "['<Super>0']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-workspace-10 "['<Super><Shift>0']"


Enable right-click functionality for touchpad

$ sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchpad click-method areas


Support md files on firefox

Firefox on Linux may not know how to handle markdown files by default. These mime types are stored in a file indicated by helpers.private_mime_types_file, by default it is ~/.mime.types. Create this file if it does not exist, otherwise edit it, and add the following line:

type=text/plain exts=md,mkd,mkdn,mdwn,mdown,markdown, desc="Markdown document"


i3 with gaps and transparent terminal



$ sudo apt-get install compton && compton -bcf


How to run both the integrated and the dedicated graphic cards

xrandr --setprovideroutputsource modesetting NVIDIA-0
xrandr --auto


Set default application with xdg

  1. find out the MIME type string: $ file -i name_of_the.file

  2. find out the name of the application .desktop file: $ grep "application_name" -l -r /usr/share/applications

  3. make the assignement: $ xdg-mime default application_name file/type


$ file -i Broken_Blossoms.webm
Broken_Blossoms.webm: video/webm; charset=binary
$ grep "mpv" -l -r /usr/share/applications
$ xdg-mime default mpv.desktop video/webm


Add ssh key to remote server



mkdir -p /home/user_name/.ssh && touch /home/user_name/.ssh/authorized_keys

and paste the public key to authorized_keys file.

Don’t forget to: chmod 700 /home/user_name/.ssh && chmod 600 /home/user_name/.ssh/authorized_keys chown -R username:username /home/username/.ssh

kitty missing or unsuitable terminal error

kitty +kitten ssh myserver


Load a small linux distro inside the /boot

“Tiny Core’s small enough that I’ll often throw the entirety of it in /boot or /boot/EFI on my Linux desktops as a recovery environment.

root (hd0,1)
    kernel /tinycore/vmlinuz tce=sda1/tinycore/tce vga=794
    initrd /tinycore/core.gz

in GRUB’s shell should do the trick no matter what might lurk in grub.cfg.”
